More Halloween Videos

M·A·C Halloween: Celestial Sorceress
by Alicia Martinez
Make your mark! Summon a cosmic spell this Halloween with this mystical #MACSpaceSquad look created by artist Alicia Martinez.

M·A·C Halloween: Cyborg
by Ashley Tiopo
Seize the future with #MACSpaceSquad! Indulge in unearthly android beauty on Halloween with this sleek Cyborg transformation by artist Ashley Tiopo.

M·A·C Halloween: Galactic Ghoul
by Fernando Lustosa
Go for a chilling but cool Galactic Ghoul look this Halloween! Learn how Fernando Lustosa creates this sci-fi-inspired #MACSpaceSquad character, then try your own.

M·A·C Halloween: Space Vampire
by Georgia Cutts
When you’re part of #MACSpaceSquad, you’re always looking out for new blood! Fuse classic horror with futuristic appeal this Halloween with this inventive Space Vampire look by artist Georgia Cutts.

M·A·C Halloween: Space Traveller
by Belle Jackson
Ground control to #MACSpaceSquad! Be an interstellar sensation this Halloween in this otherworldly Space Traveller look by Belle Jackson.

M·A·C Halloween: Alien Queen
by Stephanie Roberts
Feeling spacey? So are we, in the best way possible. Watch as makeup artist Stephanie Roberts designs an imperial Alien Queen look — perfect for your #MACSpaceSquad this Halloween.